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Nomination Form for 2021 Candidates

Candidates can qualify by completing a petition that is due to BFT by 5:00 pm on March 8th, 2021. Nomination forms can be emailed to or mailed to the BFT office (1007 Florida Ave,. Rockledge, FL 32955). Copy and paste this link for the petition

The positions that are on the ballot this year are:

Vice President/FEA Governance Board Member (3-year term/release position)

Two South Area Directors (2-year term)

Two Central Area Directors (2-year term)

Two North Area Directors (2-year term)

Secretary (2-year term)

Political Coordinator (2-year term)

Outreach Director (2-year term)

Treasurer (3-year term/release position)

Chief Delegate to Space Coast AFL-CIO Labor Council (2-year term)

Delegate to Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly (October 14th-16th)

Delegate to the National Education Association Representative Assembly (Virtual event July 2nd-3rd)

To qualify as a release officer or executive board member our bylaws state:

Section 3: In order to hold office, a member must be in good standing for at least one year prior to the election. Beginning with the spring 2018 election: To qualify as a candidate, a member must have attended at least 2 general membership meetings within the calendar year before the election and two Executive Board meetings. To qualify as a paid, full- time release officer, a candidate must have also attended at least 4 Executive Board meetings and 4 general membership meetings within a calendar year or have served on the Executive Board within the past 6 years. Serving as a delegate and fulfilling all your responsibilities to the NEA Representative Assembly, AFT Convention, or FEA Delegate Assembly within a calendar can replace attendance at one 1 General Membership Meeting for the purpose of qualifying to hold office; serving as a delegate for multiple conventions cannot be used to replace more than 1 General Membership meeting.

To qualify as a delegate our bylaws state:

Section 2: In order to be a convention delegate a member must be in good standing.

If you’re interested in getting more involved, the FEA Delegate Assembly is a great place to start!


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Rockledge, FL 32955


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Federation of Teachers 


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